Updates to CSA Z259.2.2-17: What you need to know when using Self-retracting Devices

CSA Group recently released the 3rd edition of CSA Z259.2.2-17 on SRDs. This white paper covers these updates and the key things to keep in mind when selecting PPE to meet the standard

Updates to CSA Z259.2.2-17: What you need to know when using Self-retracting Devices

This article was provided by MSA Safety.

Safety is ever-changing, thanks to new technologies, advanced practices, and evolving safety standards. Safety standards are intended to hold safety programs to the highest level. That’s why independent organizations, such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the U.S. and the Canadian Standard Association (CSA Group) are responsible for developing and documenting these safety standards. In addition to developing safety standards, these organizations also test, inspect, and certify products and services, including self-retracting devices (SRDs)

In 2017, CSA Group issued its third edition of CSA Z259.2.2-17, Self-retracting devices, with an effective date of Aug. 1, 2019. If you’ve heard about the many updates to this standard, you may think there’s nothing left for you to do. Think again.


Even if you’ve heard about these updates, it’s always a good idea to ensure that your PPE and safety program are aligned with current standards for SRDs. We’ve created a whitepaper to help you do just that.  In it, we cover:

  • Definitions: An overview of the revised standards for CSA Z259.2.2-17 with respect to definitions for various devices.
  • SRD Classifications:  A brief review of the four new classes for SRDs that replace the previous three classifications.
  • Other key changes to the standards as they relate to design, testing, and inspection of SRDs.
  • An easy-to-reference chart, showing the inspection requirements for SRDs based on type of use.
  • A checklist to help guide you through selection of PPE to meet CSA Z259.2.2-17 standards for your SRDs.

To download the entire whitepaper, and explore other valuable resources, please visit the link.