Getting the best from your MVPs

Coaching Corporate MVPS: Challenging and Developing High-Potential Employees
By Margaret Butteriss
Wiley; Hardcover; $42.95 (CAN)

“In any organization, about five to 10 per cent of people in the workforce deliver extraordinary value to the organization - in many cases, two to three times more value that their less gifted colleagues,” says author and Right Management senior vice-president Margaret Butteriss. These are the people who constantly seek to improve their own performance and that of the organization, but never at the expense of their colleagues. They are, therefore, team players and role models.

The question for employers is, of course, how to develop and retain their MVPs. While that question is not a new one, increasing pressures from a shrinking global workplace, as well as the predicted, inevitable talent and leadership crunch, have given the question even greater importance.

Building on her earlier book Corporate MVPs: Managing Your Company’s Most Valuable Performers, Butteriss narrows her focus in the new book to zero in on the key issue of retention. More specifically, she discusses coaching MVPs, in order to address the unique development needs of these valuable employees, and how it differs from coaching others.

During the course of her research, Butteriss interviewed some 39 people from various international organizations. Butteriss draws on these resources to address: creating the culture and framework for talent management; the use of assessment approaches and tools to identify and develop talent; approaches to leadership development; coaching MVPs and high-potentials; coaching the failing MVP; the role of HR in coaching and talent development; and more.

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