Electrolab Training Systems, which provides health and safety, human resources and technical...
Electrolab Training Systems, which provides health and safety, human resources and technical skills training products to businesses in Canada, has announced two new ergonomic DVDs for office and mobile workers. Ergonomics plays an important role in every worker’s day, whether they are in an office or out on the road. These new DVDs — from CLMI, a Minneapolis, Minn.-based producer of health and safety training materials — discuss best ergonomic practices in both environments. The first DVD, Making it fit: improving our office comfort, discusses ergonomics in the office and how to avoid the fatigue, strain and stress that can result from poor office setup. Topics include posture and how it is affected by office equipment, how to adjust equipment correctly and understanding the importance of positioning and moving our bodies as we work. The second DVD, Ergonomics for the mobile worker, discusses the same topics as they relate to the mobile worker. Workers who rely on laptops, smartphones and tablets, and who find themselves working in coffee shops, hotel rooms or the kitchen table need to be aware of what they can do to create a comfortable work space. The DVDs are available in Canada through Electrolab of Belleville, Ont.