Bulwark has introduced, free of charge, its YouTube iQ Video Series. The series is designed to...
Bulwark has introduced, free of charge, its YouTube iQ Video Series. The series is designed to share knowledge on product technology obtained through Bulwark University research. The unique technology training program is also available via the university itself with comprehensive courses on Bulwark technology patented and designed by Bulwark. Learn about products like the comfort knit Henley, which features Miliken Amplitude G2 InGenious FR Fabrics. The fabric is used in a number of garments available from Bulwark. It is lightweight, and breathable, without compromising protection. Other videos will teach about how new technology is discovered in Bulwark university laboratories as well as the science behind the protective technology. Learn about how the company manufactures its products and distributes them. Lastly the IQ series will teach of advantages to partnerships and how to best to use the unique knowledge of each company and merge them into one symbiotic whole.