The Indestructo Decon Shower from DQE, Inc. meets the flow rates, spray pattern, and other...
The Indestructo Decon Shower from DQE, Inc. meets the flow rates, spray pattern, and other performance characteristics set by the ANSI/ISEA 113-2208 standard. The five showerheads have a total output of 15 gpm for full, complete water coverage. The spray pattern from the showerheads creates a virtual wall of water, ensuring complete decontamination, the company said. The Indestructo has multiple ways to secure to the ground for use in high wind situations. Constructed of ABS thermoplastic, the Indestructo is highly resilient and designed to hold up to the most rugged emergency response conditions. The Indestructo assembles rapidly using quick-connecting locks, and has a fully collapsible design to allow for convenient storage in an easy-to-carry vinyl bag. Two attached windscreens reduce overspray. The shower can be set up in under three minutes to ensure a fast response time.