Vector Solutions hopes to enhance firefighting training in Canada

Company expands services to provide new technology to simplify assessments

Vector Solutions hopes to enhance firefighting training in Canada

As Vector Solutions expands into Canada, it aims to enhance firefighter training and safety and meet both municipal and private sector needs. Robbi King, director of public safety solutions at Vector, emphasizes the importance of providing comprehensive, technology-enhanced learning experiences for firefighters. “When we talk about learning, especially with adult learners, we have to hit all the senses,” King explains. Vector Solutions has crafted a system that integrates knowledge sharing, hands-on skills validation, and performance tracking.

One of the key tools that Vector is introducing is Evaluations+, a platform that streamlines firefighter training by recording, assessing, and validating skills based on NFPA standards. King explains that firefighters can now prove their capabilities, which is critical when lives are on the line: “We’re looking at that skills validation to make sure that at three o’clock in the morning, we are able to take care of Mr. and Mrs. Smith as prescribed by our local jurisdiction.”

The platform is designed to simplify the often complex process of assessing firefighter readiness. Traditionally, training programs relied heavily on theoretical knowledge. Vector's approach, however, emphasizes the hands-on component, ensuring that firefighters not only pass written tests but also demonstrate real-world proficiency. “It's a streamlined tool that simplifies the recording of those complicated assessments, making that easy to use and follow,” says King. This data-driven approach enables fire departments to track their performance and identify areas for improvement.

Vector’s technology isn’t just limited to municipal firefighting departments. “Fire does not recognize where it’s at. It just consumes products,” King notes, highlighting that Vector’s solutions are equally applicable in industries like oil and gas or mining. Whether firefighters are career professionals, volunteers, or part of a private fire brigade, the platform offers adaptable solutions for all types of fire emergencies. “Evaluations+ is applicable to an entire city, county, or province level,” he adds, making it a versatile tool for a broad range of firefighting environments.

When it comes to implementing technology in firefighting, King acknowledges that not all departments have fully embraced next-generation tools. However, he stresses that Vector’s solutions are designed to be user-friendly and accessible even for those less familiar with advanced tech: “You can take those complicated processes and simplify them in an easy-to-consume format, so it does not hinder the people who are less receptive to using technology.”

As Vector Solutions enters the Canadian market, it faces some unique challenges. King points to the requirement for local servers as a hurdle they quickly identified and addressed. “We had to ensure that the technology was housed and located in Canada,” he explains, ensuring compliance with national data regulations. The system also works with or without internet access, a vital feature for fire stations in remote areas. “It works on Android, it works on iOS platforms, so we remove those hurdles,” says King.

For workplace health and safety leaders, Vector offers more than just compliance—it provides a system that validates training and ensures proficiency. “With Vector Solutions, we’re able to say, yes, you consumed this course, we reviewed these policies and procedures, and at the time of training, we were able to showcase that you were able to perform these expectations,” King emphasizes. This level of documentation is especially crucial in private sector settings, where federal audits are frequent. King points out that this proactive approach can help companies demonstrate that any adverse incident was a situational issue, not a training failure.

As Vector Solutions continues to grow its presence in Canada, its focus remains clear: providing reliable, streamlined, and comprehensive training solutions for firefighters across all sectors. With Evaluations+, departments can exceed training requirements and ensure their teams are prepared for the toughest challenges.