Embracing innovation and connection at the Canadian Safety Summit

'Pivotal opportunity' to focus on 'challenges we're all facing' says WSPS leader

Embracing innovation and connection at the Canadian Safety Summit

The highly anticipated Canadian Safety Summit 2024 is set to take place at the Pearson Convention Centre in Toronto on Tuesday, gathering leaders and experts from various industries to focus on the future of health and safety.

Jody Young, president and CEO of Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS), describes the summit as “a pivotal opportunity to bring leaders and experts from various industries to really focus on the future of health and safety and all of the challenges that we're all facing in this space.”

Young underscores the need for innovative thinking and highlights the diverse range of topics that will be covered, including AI in safety, wearable devices, and the human and organizational performance (HOP) approach.

Young will be moderating one of the panels at the summit. “My panel discussion is an assembly of long-serving health and safety leaders who've really demonstrated a level of innovation in their approach to their health and safety programming within the sectors that they're serving,” she explains. This panel aims to showcase groundbreaking methods and strategies that have been successfully implemented in various sectors, providing attendees with actionable insights.

The agenda for the summit is packed with sessions designed to address the most pressing issues in occupational health and safety today. “There are sessions on AI and its role within health and safety, wearable devices, and smart robots,” Young noted, adding that these topics represent the cutting edge of scientific approaches to workplace safety. The inclusion of HOP, advocated by Gordon Walsh, is particularly significant as it aims to elevate health and safety standards to the next level.

Young is also excited for the summit’s networking potential. “I think first and foremost, make some really strong connections with others within the industry,” she says.

Young also hopes it will be a learning opportunity for attendees who will hear about adapting new approaches to navigate current workplace challenges. Young expects attendees will be “taking away some incredible nuggets of leading-edge thinking in a whole bunch of areas that are really topical in our society today to help them navigate the challenges within their own workplaces.”

As the summit approaches, Young’s message is clear: the Canadian Safety Summit 2024 is not just an event, but a crucial platform for driving forward the standards and practices in workplace safety. “I think it's going to be an incredible day with an incredible agenda, and I really look forward to connecting with all of these leading-edge thinkers in their respective areas of expertise,” she exclaims.

For more information on the Canadian Safety Summit 2024, visit Canadian Safety Summit.