Conference will mark 75th anniversary of safety association

Event will 'bridge historical knowledge with future innovations' says HSPC CEO

Conference will mark 75th anniversary of safety association

This July, the Health and Safety Professionals Canada (HSPC) will mark a significant milestone at its Professional Development Conference (PDC) 2024 in Edmonton, Alberta. HSPC, formerly known as the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, is celebrating 75 years of commitment to occupational health and safety, and the conference promises to be a landmark event under the fitting theme, "Moving Health and Safety Forward Together."

Over three days, from July 15th to 17th, the conference will assemble leading health and safety professionals from across Canada and around the globe. These experts will converge to challenge existing paradigms, enhance their job effectiveness, and forge influential partnerships.

According to Christl Aggus, CEO of HSPC, the event is not only a commemoration but also a forward-looking platform focusing on leadership, connection, and empowerment. "This year, as we reflect on 75 years of advancements, we're embracing a future where leadership and sustainable practices take center stage. Attendees can expect a dynamic mix of sessions that bridge historical knowledge with future innovations," Aggus shared enthusiastically.

The conference will feature a variety of sessions, including certification courses and a special lineup of speakers who will explore topics relevant to today's evolving workplace demands. Highlighting the diverse agenda, Aggus mentioned, "we have ex-fighter pilots and international leaders bringing their unique perspectives to our stages. With a repeat session format, we're ensuring attendees have the opportunity to engage fully without having to choose between simultaneous talks."

Aimee Arsenault, founder of Transmit Safety and a respected voice in the field, will address the pivotal role of influence in implementing change within health and safety practices. Arsenault's session is designed to empower professionals to effectively engage and motivate stakeholders in the adoption of new policies and practices. "My focus is on influence through change—how we, as safety professionals, can foster collaborative environments to drive the successful integration of health and safety protocols," Arsenault explained. She aims to leave her audience with actionable insights on nurturing behaviors that support sustained safety improvements.

As PDC 2024 also celebrates a rich history, the steampunk-themed gala will be a nod to both the past and the future. This creative touch aligns with the conference's aim to honor its roots while steering towards innovative horizons.

With such a rich program, the PDC 2024 is more than just a conference—it's a beacon for the future of health and safety. Aggus summed up the event's promise: "Attendees will leave with a renewed sense of community and the knowledge that, together, we can make profound contributions to public safety at a global level."

For health and safety professionals pondering over attending, this event offers a unique opportunity to network, learn, and contribute to shaping the future of occupational health and safety. As the industry looks ahead, PDC 2024 stands as a pivotal gathering to inspire and be inspired, fostering a community that moves forward together in safeguarding the workplace of tomorrow.