Stairways and Ladders: A Safe Step is the newest release from ELectrolab Training Systems and it...
Stairways and Ladders: A Safe Step is the newest release from ELectrolab Training Systems and it discusses how to use, place, maintain and climb both stairs and ladders safely to prevent slips and falls. This may sound obvious, but people frequently lose their balance or trip because they weren't paying attention or were in a hurry to get the job done. Slips and falls are an ongoing and potentially severe problem, representing about 17 per cent of lost-time injuries, according to the Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada, and more than 42,000 Canadians are injured in work-related falls each year. This new video is a great reminder to take one step at a time to avoid a potentially serious injury due to a fall. This program is available in DVD and streaming media formats.