Russelectric introduces system control upgrades

Company says upgrades are an alternative to full equipment replacement

Russelectric introduces system control upgrades

Russelectric, a Siemens business, has introduced system control upgrades for critical power equipment aimed at improving reliability, operational control, and maintenance efficiency. These upgrades offer a cost-effective alternative to full equipment replacement.


  • ATS Upgrades: Enhanced automatic transfer switch/bypass isolation switch control systems improve accuracy and functionality, addressing legacy component concerns.
  • Operator Interface and Communications: Modernized interfaces and communications equipment improve system monitoring and offer optional TJC reporting and remote access.
  • PLC Upgrades: Updates to legacy PLC architecture enhance performance and communications with minimal disruption to operations.
  • Breaker Solutions: Replacement of outdated power breakers with new OEM parts improves overcurrent selectivity and allows new accessory options.

The upgrades are implemented by Russelectric Field Engineers and are backed by a Russelectric warranty, ensuring professional service and reduced downtime.