Access Control Group AWARE proximity system

A collision avoidance system designed to offer a comprehensive safety solution

Access Control Group AWARE proximity system

Access Control Group is launching a proximity warning system to help companies protect their employees' safety: AWARE, an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) based proximity system that measures distance between moving objects and alerts both operators and pedestrians of approaching equipment.

Additionally, UWB technology allows AWARE to penetrate most obstacles and operate around blind corners.

When a wearable tag or an equipment comes in the range of another equipment, an audiovisual alarm indicator warns the operator. AWARE offers 2 settings, Alert and Alarm. After the initial 30-minute installation, the range settings can be adjusted from the system or the cloud to meet any specific requirements.

The wearable tag is operated by a rechargeable battery that can last up to three weeks. Recharging can be done by simply placing the tag on a wireless charger.