SAP AG has launched the SAP Incident Management rapid-deployment solution, which helps customers...
SAP AG has launched the SAP Incident Management rapid-deployment solution, which helps customers avoid dangerous and costly workplace accidents. SAP Incident Management allows organizations to quickly set up a company-wide incident management process to avoid accidents. With analytics and a dashboard to visualize data, the rapid-deployment solution guides companies through the investigative process of helping environmental, health and safety, and operations professionals better understand why past incidents have occurred and how to prevent future ones from reoccurring, the company said. As a rapid-deployment solution, the incident management functionality of the SAP EHS Management application is packaged with software, pre-configured content and pre-defined services that streamline the implementation process at a fixed price and within a designated timeframe. Companies can have a full system up and running typically within 90 days with fewer costs and risks, SAP AG said. Once this incident management solution is in place, companies can expand their operational risk management system or implement a mobile safety reporting solution to help support a more proactive safety culture.