Improved risk management

Synergi Life software is a business solution for improving risk and quality, health, safety and...

Improved risk management
Synergi Life software is a business solution for improving risk and quality, health, safety and environmental (QHSE) management. It provides all the tools necessary to manage non-conformances, incidents, risk analyses, audits, assessments and improvement suggestions. In a global business environment there is a great awareness of risk, yet most companies lack a complete picture of their enterprise risk portfolio, says the manufacturer. Companies need to address risk quickly and demonstrate risk performance in real-time — and in an accountable and transparent way. Synergi Life covers a variety of workflow processes, including reporting, processing, analyzing, corrective actions, communication, experience transfer, trending and KPI monitoring. Synergi Life can be used across a number of industries, such as energy, health care, transportation, municipal government and construction. The software boasts industry-specific solutions that are up-to-date according to business standards and all new requirements. Synergi Life enhances communication and co-operation within an organization, as lessons learned are shared to prevent repeated errors, says the manufacturer.