Electrolabpie3dian3s new DVD, Hearing conservation: Noise under control, will help you understand...
Electrolab's new DVD, Hearing conservation: Noise under control, will help you understand the long-term importance of proper hearing protection, the company said. Often, hearing loss happens gradually and by the time it's diagnosed, it's too late to turn back the clock. With all of the noise that associated with the machinery and technology surrounding workers every day, it is critical to be alert to hazardous noise. This DVD discusses how to recognize high noise hazards, identify actions to take for preventing hearing loss and the importance of wearing proper hearing protection. The DVD depicts two different individuals whose quality of life was severely affected because of a devastating loss of hearing and stresses the point that people's choices today can have everlasting effect on their future. Hearing conservation: Noise under control is produced by DuPont Sustainable Solutions. To arrange a free preview call 1-800-267-7482 or visit www.electrolab.ca.