Fly rock penetrates roof after blast

Company fined $46,000, must complete 4 safety presentations

Fly rock penetrates roof after blast

Dyno Nobel Canada has been fined $40,000, plus a $6,000 victim fine surcharge, after blast site fly rock penetrated the roof of an apartment building causing property damage.

On Sept. 19, 2016 Dyno Nobel was engaged in a trench blast at a quarry in Halifax. Two employees were instructed to load 45 holes with appropriate explosives and stemming. The blast was detonated shortly after noon. Later that day, the company was informed that fly-rock from the blast hit an apartment building.

The Nova Scotia Department of Labour issued a stop work order and commenced an investigation into the fly rock. It was determined Dyno Nobel did not ensure that sufficient relief was used for the trench blast, contrary to section 65(1) of the Nova Scotia Blasting Safety Regulations.

In addition to the fine, the company is required to complete four one-hour safety presentations that explain the incident and outline the safety precautions necessary to ensure due diligence and avoid similar incidents.


Source: Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service