B.C. updates joint safety committee training requirements

Members now required to have 8 hours of training

Changes to British Columbia's Occupational Health and Safety Regulation relating to joint health and safety committees will take effect April 3. These changes include amendments to the mandatory minimum training requirements for health and safety committee members and worker representatives. In particular, new committee members who join after April 3 must receive a total of eight hours of instruction and training, within their first six months.


New training resources will be available on WorkSafeBC’s website, including:

•an online course for worker health and safety representatives (four hours)

•a joint committee training course with an online component (two hours) and a classroom component that could be conducted in-person or remotely by webinar (six hours).


Once they are made available, employers and trainers will be able to download these free materials and customize them for their workplace or industry, said WorkSafeBC.