Alberta makes improvements to online employers' safety records

The Alberta government has updated its online information about workplace injuries and fatalities for more than 150,000 employers insured by the Workers’ Compensation Board-Alberta (WCB). The updated records are now available on the Ministry of Human Services website. They provide a five-year snapshot based on information reported to the WCB by March 31, 2011.
Albertans can now see the following information for each employer:
  •     number of lost-time claims;
  •     estimated number of workers;
  •     lost-time claim rates;
  •     number of fatalities, including those resulting from motor-vehicle and workplace incidents, and occupational diseases;
  •     whether the employer holds a Certificate of Recognition; and
  •     industry and province-wide lost-time claim rates for comparison purposes.
The records were first released in September 2010. A number of improvements were made to the 2011 update, including more detailed information about fatalities and a video to help users conduct searches.

The annual release of these records is part of the Alberta government’s multi-point plan for achieving greater transparency and accountability for occupational health and safety. The records include more information than is currently provided by any other jurisdiction in Canada.

The records can be found online at